Joseph Ayoub (U. Zurich)
Qingyuan Bai (U. Copenhagen)
Greg Baldi (IHES)
Tobias Bisang (U. Basel)
Alessio Cangini (U. Basel)
Dustin Clausen (IHES)
Hang Fu (U. Hannover)
Clemens Fuchs (U. Salzburg)
Tim Gehrunger (ETH Zurich)
Giada Grossi (Paris 13)
Tobias Hilgart (U. Salzburg)
Thomas Jacob (U. Zurich)
Marius Kjærsgaard (U. Copenhagen)
Mahesh Kakde (IIS Bangalore)
Dmitrii Krekov (ETH Zurich)
Dimitris Koukoulopoulos (U. Montreal)
Lars Kühne (UCD)
Andrew Kresch (U. Zurich)
David Loeffler (FernUni Schweiz)
Julia Meng (ETH Zurich)
Maxim Mornev (EPFL)
Francesco Naccarato (ETH Zurich)
Richard Pink (ETH Zurich)
Felix Sefzig (U. Zurich)
Ana Marija Vego (ETH Zurich)
Sarah Zerbes (ETH Zurich)
Beat Zurbuchen (ETH Zurich)
Francesco Zerman (FernUni Schweiz)
The participants consist of PhD students and postdocs in arithmetic and geometry from Zurich as well as colleagues from Basel and Salzburg among others.
Dustin Clausen (IHES):
Three perspectives on Deligne cohomology
Mahesh Kakde (IIS Bangalore):
Gross-Stark conjecture
Dimitris Koukoulopoulos (U. Montreal):
Metric Diophantine approximation
The program will start on Saturday evening, the first talk is scheduled for 17:15-18:45. The detailed program (including abstracts)
can be found here:
PDF; it includes confirmed minicourses by Dustin Clausen, Mahesh Kakde and Dimitris Koukoulopoulos as well as invited talks by Greg Baldi, Hang Fu, Giada Grossi, David Loeffler, Maxim Mornev as well as Francesco Zerman.
Saturday, 29.06.2024 (Arrival day): Metric Diophantine approximation. I (Dimitris Koukoulopoulos) |
Sunday: Metric Diophantine approximation. II (Dimitris Koukoulopoulos); Metric Diophantine approximation. III (Dimitris Koukoulopoulos) |
Monday: Three perspectives on Deligne cohomology. I (Dustin Clausen); Gross-Stark conjecture. I (Mahesh Kakde); Translation surfaces and periods (Greg Baldi); Local Kummer theory for Drinfeld modules (with Richard Pink) (Maxim Mornev) |
Tuesday: Gross-Stark conjecture. II (Mahesh Kakde); Three perspectives on Deligne cohomology. II (Dustin Clausen) Possible afternoon program: Informal discussion, excursions, hiking tours.
Wednesday: Three perspectives on Deligne cohomology. III (Dustin Clausen); Gross-Stark conjecture. III (Mahesh Kakde); P-adic regulators for Hilbert modular surfaces (David Loeffler); P-adic Asai L-function and Asai-Flach classes (Giada Grossi) |
Thursday, 04.07.2024 (Departure day): Big Heegner points and Iwasawa theory for Hida families (Francesco Zerman); On the dynamics of quadratic polynomials (Hang Fu) |
09:00 - 10:30: Lecture
10:30 - 11:00: Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30: Lecture
09:00 - 10:00: Invited talk
10:00 - 10:30: Coffee break
10:30 - 11:30: Invited talk
12:45: Lunch
13:45 - 15:15: Lecture
15:15 - 18:00: Time for informal discussion
13:45 - 14:45: Invited talk
15:00 - 16:00: Invited talk
16:00 - 18:00: Time for informal discussion
19:00: Dinner
Lecture Notes and Literature:
Further references will be announced here.