ETHZ-UZh-Sbg Arithmetic and Geometry Research Group

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Workshop "Alpbach 2025"

This workshop is organized by J. Ayoub, C. Fuchs, P. Habegger, R. Pink, and S. Zerbes. The workshop takes place from 25.-30.6. (Wednesday till Monday), 2025 at the Böglerhof in Alpbach/Tyrol, Austria.

This, the 18th in a series of Workshops in Alpbach, will feature minicourses given by world class researchers and invited talks by younger researchers, covering topics in various areas of number theory, including but not limited to arithmetic geometry, Galois representations, etc. The emphasis includes not only deep theoretical developments, but also applications of a more concrete/computational nature. Minicourses presenting a broad overview of these topics, delivered by top international experts, will be complemented by invited talks highlighting recent progress.

Joseph Ayoub (U. Zurich)
Clemens Fuchs (U. Salzburg)
Philipp Habegger (U. Basel)
Dmitrii Krekov (ETH Zurich)
Andrew Kresch (U. Zurich)
Richard Pink (ETH Zurich)
Gabriel Ribeiro (ETH Zurich)
Arun Soor (U. Oxford)
Sarah Zerbes (ETH Zurich)
The participants consist of PhD students and postdocs in arithmetic and geometry from Zurich as well as colleagues from Basel and Salzburg among others.

Konstantin Ardakov (U. Oxford): D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
Matt Papanikolas (Texas AMU): TBA
Pol van Hoften (VU Amsterdam): TBA

(Tentative) Program:
The program will start on Wednesday evening, the first talk is scheduled for 17:15-18:45. The detailed program (including abstracts) will be announced here as soon as possible.
Wednesday, 25.06.2025 (Arrival day):
Possible afternoon program: Informal discussion, excursions, hiking tours.
Monday, 30.06.2025 (Departure day):

(Tentative) Schedule:
09:00 - 10:30: Lecture
10:30 - 11:00: Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30: Lecture
09:00 - 10:00: Invited talk
10:00 - 10:30: Coffee break
10:30 - 11:30: Invited talk
12:45: Lunch
13:45 - 15:15: Lecture
15:15 - 18:00: Time for informal discussion
13:45 - 14:45: Invited talk
15:00 - 16:00: Invited talk
16:00 - 18:00: Time for informal discussion
19:00: Dinner

Lecture Notes and Literature:
Further references will be announced here.
Impressum    12.02.2025