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Short Curriculum Vitae: Personal information  .  Current position  .  Education  .  Career history

Personal information: Up
Date and place of birth: 10.11.1976 in Lienz, Austria
Nationality: Austrian
Professional Duties: Up
Since 2022: Speaker of the professors of the Faculty of Digital and Analytic Sciences, PLUni Salzburg
Since 2019: Vice-Head of the Department of Mathematics, PLUni Salzburg
Since 2019: Member of the Senate, PLUni Salzburg
Since 2018: Member of the Editorial Board of Mathematica Bohemica
Since 2018: Managing Editor of International Mathematical News
Since 2014: Member of the Board of the Austrian Mathematical Society
2023-2025: Vice-Head of the Curricularkommission Mathematik, PLUni Salzburg
2012-2023: Head of the Curricularkommission Mathematik, PLUni Salzburg
Organizer of the ÖMG-DMV-Congress 2017, Salzburg, Austria, 11-15.09.2017
Education: Up
01.08.2007: Habilitation (Umhabilitation) in Mathematics at ETH Zürich
Habilitation colloquium on 19.06.2007. Promotion to Priv.-Doz.ETH.
13.02.2006: Habilitation in Mathematics at TU Graz
Defence of the habilitation thesis and habilitation colloqium on 03.02.2006. Promotion to Univ.-Doz. (corresponding to Associate Professor).
2000-2002: PhD-Studies in Mathematics at TU Graz
Defence of the thesis and final examination on 18.03.2002. Promotion to Dr.techn. (corresponding to PhD) on 18.03.2002.
1995-2000: Study of Technical Mathematics at TU Wien
Branch: Mathematical Computer Science. Graduation to Dipl.-Ing. (corresponding to MSc) on 23.10.2000.
Short career history: Up
Since 2012: Full Professor at the Department of Mathematics, PLUni Salzburg
Since 2006: Universitätsdozent at the Department of Analysis and Computational Number Theory, TU Graz
2007-2015: Privatdozent at the Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich
2012-2013: Guest Professor ("Gastprofessor") at the Institut für Analysis und Computational Number Theory (Math A), TU Graz
2012: Edmund and Rosa Hlawka Award for Mathematics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2012: Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, PLUni Salzburg
2011-2012: Lecturer ("Lektor") at the Institut für Mathematik und wissenschaftliches Rechnen, KFUni Graz
2006-2012: Senior Assistant ("Oberassistent") at the Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich
2005-2006: Assistant Professor ("Universitätsassistent") at the Institut für Analysis und Computational Number Theory (Math A), TU Graz
2004-2005: Researcher/PostDoc at the Department of Mathematics, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
This position was financed by the FWF Erwin-Schrödinger-Auslandsstipendium No. J2407-N12.
2002-2004: Assistant Professor ("Universitätsassistent") at the Institut für Mathematik A, TU Graz
2002-2003: PostDoc at TU Graz in the FWF research project No. S8307MAT
2002: Award of the Austrian Mathematical Society for the best PhD thesis in the academic year 2001/02
2000-2002: Research Assistant of Prof. R.F. Tichy at TU Graz in the FWF research project No. S8307MAT
2001-2002: Teaching Assistant at the Institut für Mathematik und Angewandte Geometrie - Abteilung für Mathematik & Statistik, Uni Leoben
2000-2002: Teaching Assistant at the Institut für Mathematik A, TU Graz
1998-2000: Teaching Assistant at the Institut für Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik, TU Wien

Impressum    June 6, 2023